Raven got to meet Oliver (Oliver is her sibling from last year's litter). What a cool experience and they were cute together. At first Raven was a little unsure because Oliver wanted to play, play, play! But Raven warmed up quickly and they were really cute!
Well, the first night went pretty well I think! Only heard her whining once about 12:30 and she didn't do it for long!

She's doing great! She's done some funny stuff already! Likes uses her dog bed as a step stool to get on the couch haha! Or pulling a blanket off my recliner to lay on. 
This morning she barked to come in! She blows my mind!
She’s amazing. She conquered stairs a week ago. She sits on command, too. She’s smart!!!
She likes golf!
12 weeks old!
Raven is walking on a leash so well already! And she apparently likes sticks, lol...she finds sticks on our walks and carries them home!
3 months old and 24 pounds!
5 months old! 
Raven got her first haircut!