Hi Paula,
Thought I would drop you a quick note to let you know how Jewlz is doing. She is such a sweet puppy!! The first few days she was pretty mellow and even slept in her kennel all night. Now life is a little different. Night three she cried so much we couldn't take it and now she is happily sleeping with Jon and I and is loving it! (we are such suckers!!!) She sleeps all night long without any potty breaks!! We were at the camper this past week and she did great. She meet new dogs and was such a sweet puppy. She loves to be with other people but doesn't mind spending time with herself which gave us a little break once in a while which is nice. She would just sit on her leash and be content. We have tried the kennel a few times and she doesn't love it but we are now back at work today so its her first day in her new play area. We set up a kennel with the door open and put a baby gate around an area for her to stretch and play. We will see how it goes but hopefully she won't cry all day long!
Thank you so much for everything. Our family had such a wonderful experience with you and couldn't have picked a better family to get our puppy. Thanks again and we will send more pictures in the next few weeks!!!

Hi Paula!!
Jewlz is growing so much and adjusting wonderfully. The first two pictures are of her at 10 weeks old (16lbs) and the last three are of her at 14 weeks (24lbs). We are truly enjoying her. You were so right – she is such a sweetheart. We went for our first hike in the woods on Sunday and we both came out with quite a bit of burrs. We sat down to pick them off of her and in return she picked off the ones on my pants at the same time – team work!!! She has so much personality – she is infectious!! Hope you are doing well.
Jewlz is just so darn pretty!!! She is so cute that she almost doesn’t look real – she looks like some stuffed animal!!
Just wanted to send you a quick update with some fun fall photos. Jewlz weighed in at 30 lbs at her 16 week visit and is doing great!! By the way, she does not shed at all even with her straight coat!!! Hope all is well on your end. Take Care~
She's outgrown her puppy bed!