"Daisy" is adopted-2.14 lbs
"Buck"(was Bugs) is adopted-3 lbs
Syvester is adopted-2.5 lbs
"Murphy" (was Elmer)is adopted-2.15 lbs
Porky is adopted!-3.2 lbs
"Beau" (was Daffy) is adopted-2.10 lbs
"Marvin" (keeping the name, Marvin!) is adopted!- 2.15 lbs
We have all been lovingly chosen by our new families!
"Gus" (was Pepe')`is adopted-2.5 lbs
"Remy Martin Mira Sky" (Remy) (was Taz) is adopted -2.14 lbs
We are 3 weeks old!
We are just starting to eat mushy food and are still sorta messy but we love it! And of course we continue to nurse from mom!
The weather is warming up just in time for us to start practicing to feel the grass on our feet which automatically makes us go potty outside :)
We are also starting to interact with each other. Its so cute!
And! We have graduated to ribbon collars!
"Riley" (was Speedy) is adopted-2.13 lbs
Auntie Milly wants to nurse them too, so hence the t-shirt!