He is such a honey! He is doing great. He is very smart and is training
really well. He's probably just shy of 60lbs now. His coloring is so
pretty as it's got some hit of golden in his blond fur now. He LOVES the
snow. Puppies and winter are an interesting mix. I often walk him while
pulling a self and everyone is happy. Thank you so much for such a sweet
addition to our family!!! I have meant to write 10 times but ours is a
busy home:)
"We're just sharing a little after school snack, mom"
7 weeks!
We are so beautiful!
And we all had our checkups and had clean bills of health!
Check out our weights next to our names!
Our vet and his staff were really impressed with us!
We continue to grow and play! We love people and kids!
We know how to go up and down stairs.
We use the doogy door like pros.
We have a crate available, but we prefer to lay on the cool floor.
We eat puppy chow 4 times a day.

Rosco is 80'ish pounds. He is totally awesome, Paula. I'm serious when I say -- we could not be happier with him. He is smart, gentle, athletic ,inquisitive, obedient, handsome, everything you would want in a dog. I brag about how Rosco is the perfect dog. We keep his hair short, especially in the summer; plus he's in every lake and swamp on our daily walks, so it makes it easier to keep him clean.
Everywhere we go, he gets compliments ("What kind of dog is that? He feels like a Pottery Barn
blanket, or He looks like a stuffed animal; He is so beautiful.") We walk him on trails almost every day, and we have trained him to walk off leash.
Our two young daughters adore him, and Rosco cannot stand being away from them. If the girls are outside, he has to be with them. I was taking the girls for a paddle-boat ride on the Fourth of July, and Rosco literally
dove off the dock and swam after us! He followed us for 100 yards into the lake until we finally turned around and headed back to shore (oh, yes,that's another of his many talents. He's a great swimmer-- it's his huge
Rosco is gentle with our two cats, although I think he'd like them to play more. He tries hard to engage them in games, but they rarely takethe bait. Right now, as I type this message, Rosco is outside sitting bythe lake --- off leash -- just chilling out. He is so wonderful.
I'll send some pics of him swimming. It's impressive!
Hope you're having a great summer.
Hi Paula!!
I hope all is well. Congratulations on the new puppies they are BEAUTIFUL!!
I know out I know I have said this several times but I will say it
again...we truly can't thank you enough for such a amazing dog.
Elsa is more then we could have ever asked for. She loves kids (and
grown-up's) and other dogs. She LOVES playing with her sister! ! They get
to see eachother at least once a week. Elsa loves a new adventure just as
much as we do and we bring her everywhere we go.
She loves going for walks ands runs in the woods (which we do daily),
swimming and she is OBSESSED with fetching!!!! She has been such a
blessing to our family.
Thanks again and take care!
Joel, Amie, and Elsa!
Hi Paula
Ruby and Elsa will be together for their first birthday. We are going to our cabin this weekend and will send you pics. Ruby just got her summer groom today so she looks like a super poodle doodle until it grows out a little. I'll send you a before pic too so you can see her coat when it's grown out. Ruby looks like her daddy.
Elsa looks like her mama. She looks more retriever much to Amie & Joel's delight. She loves to fetch a ball & swim.
She is their baby. Ruby is pretty spoiled too but Elsa wins in that category! Haha.
I'll weigh Ruby but my guess is around 50-55. Elsa has a little more weight to her. Ruby is more lanky. Amie & I will get a more accurate weight on them & send it with the pics.
Enjoy the new babies & I know we will be back for another doodle in a couple years.
Only thing better than one of your doodles is having two of them around.
Take care
1 year old! Notice the rainbow!
Arlo's first trim! Awwww!

Hi Paula,
I wrote up a little update about Danny Kaye. When I was anxiously awaiting
getting a puppy, I was interested in the updates on your website.
Hopefully this can give other golden doodle-pursuing families an idea of
how wonderful Milly's (and Angel's) puppies can be!
*2-year update*
Danny Kaye just turned 2 years old on Sunday! He weighs 71 pounds (a
perfect combination of Milly and Pablo) and, as you see in my pictures, is
full of soft, fluffy curls! He gets a lot of compliments on his curly hair,
mohawk, height, and name.
Danny has an extremely gentle personality. He is great with kids and
babies. His ability to express his emotions is hilarious, and it's usually
clear when he's happy, excited, or pouty. He has a lot of energy and gets
2 walks a day unless he spends the day at doggie day camp (which is one of
his favorite places). He LOVES playing with other dogs! His other favorite
things are playing fetch, chewing bones, going to the dog park, hiking, and
visiting grandma and grandpa's house!
He is sweeter and more wonderful than I ever expected him to be. He is a
treasured part of my family and a wonderful companion. When I have a
larger yard and house, I plan to get another one of your pups so he can
have a sibling!
Thanks for a wonderful puppy! I love him!
Emily Hutter

Hi Paula!
The new puppies are absolutely adorable!!!!
Elsa and Ruby are going great! They Love to run and play with each other
(and any other dog friends they meet!).
Elsa (and Ruby too!) is the sweetest girl! She loves to snuggle, go on
early morning trail runs, playing catch, and be with her family and friends!
We honestly could not asked for sweeter, cuter, well behaved (most of the
time ) dog and puppy niece!
Here is a picture of the girls on the 2nd Birthday!
Take care!
Amie, Joel, and Elsa